High Energy Health

Coaching Program

Transform Your Energy, Transform Your Life: Get a personalized plan to maximize your energy production.

We're thrilled to announce that 26 individuals have recently completed our High Energy Health Course, an eight-week, 12-hour live online lecture that delves into the fascinating world of bioenergetics.

During the course, we explored how the mitochondria determine your health and metabolism, and provided actionable steps to optimize their function by removing toxins and inhibitors, crafting a diet that boosts energy production, incorporating micronutrients and supplements, and rehabilitating the gut for synergy with the mitochondria.

As a testament to the course's value, a naturopathic doctor reviewed the material and deemed it a "practitioner-level course."

After the final lecture, we asked for feedback and two sentiments emerged:

"I wish I could customize the course for me" and "I wish there was a coaching program to help me implement these ideas."

We're excited to introduce the High Energy Health Coaching Program, a four-to-eight week, one-on-one consultation-based program designed to help you create a personalized diet and lifestyle plan centered around bioenergetics – maximizing your energy production.

With only 10 openings available, we'll be starting this program in the next two weeks.

Let's get started!

High Energy Health Coaching

In our 4 x 60-minute, one-on-one Zoom consultations, we'll work together to create your personalized High Energy Blueprint. We'll cover:

  • Establishing a baseline of energy production through calorie intake, macronutrient percentages, food types, body temperature, and blood work

  • Identifying and eliminating metabolic inhibitors that slow energy production

  • Optimizing gut function

  • Crafting a customized diet plan to maximize energy production, including specific foods, portion sizes, and meal timing

  • Determining which micronutrients you're lacking and how to incorporate them

  • Implementing optimal lifestyle techniques such as sleep and movement

Optional: You may also choose to order a comprehensive blood lab panel, which includes approximately 24 markers and costs around $400 (paid directly to the lab).

As part of the coaching program, you'll also receive access to the full High Energy Health Course ($350 value), including:

  • 12 hours of video replays

  • The full 187-slide presentation deck as a PDF

  • Links to tens of hours of additional videos, studies, and articles

  • Premium supplement resources

The coaching program investment is $1,500.

Booking times and dates are flexible. The only requirement is that all four sessions are completed within an eight-week period.

Typically, sessions are scheduled between Monday-Thursday from 9am-2pm and Friday from 9am-12pm PT. Evening appointments are also available if needed.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to email Jonathan at jonathan@quantum.yoga.


How do I order labs?

On week 1 of the course Jonathan will walk you through the ordering process.

Does it matter where I am in my cycle when I test?

Yes! If you are a cycling woman, ideally you want to get your blood drawn on Day 21 +/- 2days. This is when progesterone should peak and is crucial to understanding your overall hormone profile. If Day 21 is after April 19, email us for instructions on how to get this done before the course starts so you have your results in time.

What if I’m traveling?

Please email us for test ordering instructions so you have your results in time.

Is Jonathan a doctor?

No. Jonathan is an independent health researcher and educator. This course is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Consult with your physician or other health care professional if you have any concerns or questions about your health. If you rely on the informational here or in the High Energy Health Course, you do so solely at your own risk.

Any more questions? Just email us.

Jonathan Rickert

Bioenergetic Coach

Jonathan has been coaching clients for 8 years utilizing a systems approach to health. Working with testing laboratories, mentoring under alternative physicians as well as personally testing himself, he has focused in on metabolic health as its the generator of energy for the body. By increasing bioenergy, Jonathan believes you can allow your personal greatest expression in life and service to others.

Laura Patterson

The Peace Offering Founder— Regenerative Farmer & Cooking Instructor

Laura is a healer, farmer, chef, yoga instructor, and runs a healing arts studio in Truckee, CA. She runs two separate organic and biodynamic orchards and vegetable, herb, and plant medicine gardens. She teaches classes about cooking and using food as medicine. She teaches the importance of using fresh and thoughtfully grown produce, and supporting farms that use regenerative agriculture. On her two farms she hosts retreats, cooks all the food for the retreats, and teaches farming and cooking classes. She teaches to grow food and cook in a way that is healing for the earth and healing for our bodies. All her produce is intentionally grown to be medicine. She is a part of the process through the whole life cycle, living in harmony with the earth and cooking with love.

Laura believes in eating the rainbow, being thoughtful, and giving thanks, knowing that everything comes from the earth. She believes the key component to health is growing, harvesting, cooking and eating in gratitude, so the food we eat can be healing and fill us with love.