Mineral Balancing with Jon Sasmor
Jon Sasmor RCPC, is a mineral guide who trained in the method of Dr. Lawrence Wilson, obtained high honors in training on Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) with Dr. Rick Malter and is a Certified Root Cause Protocol consultant (RCPC) from RCP Institute with Morley Robbins and Kristan Kershaw.
Jon is an expert at mineral relationships and creating an overall balance of mineral from this understanding. In addition to the various mineral ideologies he’s learned, Jon has run hundreds of Hair Tissue Mineral Analyses as well as blood labs for clients helping them to achieve mineral balance and thus optimal health.
Here are some of the highlights:
Minerals are enzyme cofactors that turn on enzymes, drive transport pumps, feed the microbiome and balance each other
Nutritional immunity means we want to keep the minerals for ourselves and beneficial bacteria,
In 1944, Ancel Keys performed the famous Minnesota Starvation Experiment showing that starvation of nutrients can produce mental health disorders. When people refed, if they ate too much too fast they died of hypokalemia (low potassium) https://www.apa.org/monitor/2013/10/hunger
In 1956, Dr. Watson defined biotypes into fast, slow, sub oxidizers, which he attributed to the rate of mitochondria. https://archive.org/details/nutritionyourmin00wats/page/n5/mode/2up
Dr. Paul Eck who came after Watson studied HTMA and developed a thyroid/adrenal ratio based on electrolytes ratios very similar to Watson’s oxidizer pattern.
The PAM enzyme runs on copper, zinc and vitamin c activates sex hormones and insulin
Synthetic B vitamins, like Folic Acid, and iron are added to food supply under the title “enriched or fortified”. This typically creates potassium and copper deficiencies.
Synthetic D added to dairy will create Vitamin A deficiencies.
Multivitamins contains the above as well as too much zinc or molybdenum that can deplete copper.
Think of grass-fed Beef liver as your multivitamin as well as egg yolks.
Westin A Price ancestral diets and Nourishing Traditions is a great ancestral dietary system. https://a.co/d/2jz2ScK
Jon’s recipe for Activator Goo: Emu oil, cod liver oil, emptied liver and kidney capsules, kelp powder, Ergo plus Ergothianine
People who ate a lot of oysters became copper deficiency because their high zinc content can block copper absorption
Iron will get stuck in spleen and liver and cause anemia if not enough copper in diet
The Serum iron blood test reflects how well the recycling system is working. If below 100 indicates3 its copper deficiency, above 120 is iron overload.
Best way restart the copper-dependent iron recycling system and treat iron overload is through blood donation
With high volume blood loss like 500 ml in the case of blood donation, the body can’t eat enough iron to replace the lost hemoglobin so it will pull it from iron storage.
Beef liver is the ideal zinc to copper ratio in food which is 1:4 zinc:copper. In blood tests, the ideal ratio is 1:1.
Human and animal microbiomes are extensions of the soil microbiome
The soil microbiome is responsible providing the plants with mineral nutrition from the rocks and dirt.
Mycorrhizal fungi in topsoil break down rocks to supply minerals to topsoil
Tilled soil breaks up fungal networks which prevents ergothioniene, a potent antioxidants, absorption in plants
Dr Robert Beelman on ergothioniene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7JeR2zcBVc
The Other Side of the Fence https://youtu.be/-M7eOhq6M18?si=A476iDZYAw9W7xd_
To get get a hair analysis or learn more about Jon go to https://minbalance.com/about.html
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